Choices Podcast Briefing Doc – Themes and Key Ideas

by Team Choices

Overall Theme: The podcast focuses on personal growth and overcoming adversity through intentional choices, emphasizing the importance of faith, self-reflection, and positive action. Below is a n update the last few podcasts and the take away from what the show hosts were discussing.

Episode 31: Gratitude Roundtable – Rebuilding Your Life

  • Host: Brett Stalkup
  • Theme: This episode centers on Stalkup’s personal journey of rebuilding his life after a difficult period, offering a six-step framework for listeners to do the same.
  • Reflect on your past: Confronting past anger, guilt, and fear is crucial for moving forward. “You cannot change or heal what you don’t acknowledge.”
  • Set goals: Using SMART goals (specific, measurable, actionable, results-oriented, and time-bound) helps create a roadmap for the future.
  • Make a plan: Outlining specific steps aligns actions with desired outcomes.
  • Embrace change: Leaving the comfort zone and being open to new experiences is essential.
  • Be open to new stuff: Continuous learning and exploring new practices enrich life.
  • Be consistent: Persistence in pursuing personal growth is vital for success.
  • Key Ideas:
  • Forgiveness played a vital role in Stalkup’s recovery, enabling him to break free from negative patterns.
  • Identifying personal triggers for anger and frustration allows for developing coping mechanisms.
  • Journaling serves as a powerful tool for self-reflection and understanding.
  • Changing “people, places, and things” can significantly impact personal transformation.
  • The importance of gratitude and sharing kindness with others.

Episode 32: Overcoming Adversity

  • Host: Brett Stalkup
  • Co-Host: Carcass John
  • Guest: Christine Harvey (Life Coach)
  • Theme: This episode explores strategies for navigating adversity, emphasizing personal responsibility, the power of choice, and seeking support when needed.
  • Key Ideas:Recognizing the freedom of choice in any situation empowers individuals to move beyond victimhood. “We wake up every day with two things, a choice and a chance.”
  • Taking back one’s power involves focusing on personal healing and growth rather than seeking external retribution.
  • Hurt people often hurt themselves through self-neglect or overextending themselves for others.
  • Healing requires acknowledging pain, seeking appropriate help (therapy or coaching), and creating a supportive environment.
  • The importance of mental health checkups for proactively addressing emotional well-being.

Episode 33: Roundtable Discussion on Perseverance

  • Host: Brett Stalkup
  • Co-Hosts: Carcass John, Reverend Denny Brewer
  • Theme: This episode discusses the concept of perseverance, highlighting the importance of steadfastness, small changes, and learning from past experiences.
  • Key Ideas:
  • Perseverance builds character and leads to personal growth, even amidst challenging circumstances.
  • Small adjustments can lead to significant improvements.
  • Reflecting on past experiences helps identify patterns and avoid repeating mistakes.
  • The importance of having a supportive network of friends and loved ones to confide in and be accountable to.
  • Finding balance in life, including prioritizing personal well-being alongside work and relationships.


  • “You cannot change or heal what you don’t acknowledge.” – Brett Stalkup, Episode 30
  • “We wake up every day with two things, a choice and a chance.” – Christine Harvey, Episode 32
  • “Life is happening to give you what you’ve asked for.” – Christine Harvey, Episode 32
  • “Consider it pure joy whenever you face trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” – James 1:2, quoted by Rev. Denny Brewer, Episode 33
  • “If you want something you’ve never had, you have to do something you’ve never done.” – Carcass John, Episode 33

Overall, the Choices Podcast offers practical advice and inspiring stories that encourage listeners to take ownership of their lives, overcome challenges, and strive for personal fulfillment.

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